Where do you want to go?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Two Furniture Redos in progress

Where have I been?  I can't believe that I haven't posted in a while.  I have been working on getting some projects started.  Specifically, I've been searching for some furniture to redo.  I have been looking on Craigslist everyday for weeks, waiting for the perfect items and deals.  I came across two items by the same seller for super cheap!

I don't have before pictures, because I got motivated to start working on it right away.  But here is the door to the armoir.  I am not putting them back on, so they haven't been primed.  They will be used for another project in the future:

 Very Victorian looking. Not exactly my style, but the bones of both pieces were nice.

Before priming, I had to do some cleaning and sand both pieces really well.  Then I just wiped down all the dust with a damp rag.  After one once over, I did it again to make sure i got all the dust off.  You've got to have a nice clean surface before priming.

Here are the primer pictures:

I used this primer, in case you were wondering:

Now what color to paint each.....

for the armoir, definately blue, but which one?

For the coffee table I would like to do a cream bottom and a brown top, just like demonstrated on the piece above. 

I plan on glazing both pieces and putting new hardware on. 

The armoir will be put in this area of my house...pretty boring right now!

Stay tuned for more progress...

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